Discover the Unexpected Store/Jewelry/NecklacesAQUAMARINE CASCADE NECKLACE$114.95Sold outProduct DetailsBrand: J. MILLS JEWELRYMILKY AQUAMARINE, RAINBOW MOONSTONE, LABRADORITE, 14KT GOLD FILLEDShow MoreSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itAQUAMARINE CASCADE NECKLACEYou May Also LikeAPATITE POINT NECKLACEAPATITE POINT NECKLACE$74.95APATITE CASCADE NECKLACEAPATITE CASCADE NECKLACE$169.95AQUA STEP STONE NECKLACEAQUA STEP STONE NECKLACE$117.95MINI PEARL CLUSTER NECKLACEMINI PEARL CLUSTER NECKLACE$72.95